Monday, April 4, 2011

Plays, Drama, and Shakespeare?

     Well we are now beginning the final unit of our Literature journey and ending with non other than DRAMA. I have mixed emotions when it comes to drama, because I love broadway plays and musicals, but when it comes to reading things such as Shakespeare I literally get "lost in translation." I was rather fond of Romeo and Juliet and I enjoyed watching the Leonardo Decaprio movie, but I find the language very outdated, and just cannot understand the rhythm at which Shakespeare was writing it in. We have chosen as a group to read a few plays that the class will read, and one I am rather interesting in has to deal with Southern Belle in the title, and I am game for anything that is southern.  I like to read things that I find an interest in and can understand easily, for I find it easier to get in to the story and it reads much smoother that way.  I have seen RENT and went and saw CHICAGO on broadway and I found those plot lines to be funny and humorous and they kept my attention very easily; however, that might have been because they were musicals. Plays are not exactly my forte in English, but I am looking forward to see what chosen student reading has in store, and we shall go from there. Also, I am brainstorming ideas for my final paper, and I might even try my hand at poetry, but we shall see how that turns out, but I am always up for a challenge.

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